Painted Wood Turtle Up for Adoption
Name: Painty Species: Painted Wood Turtle (Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima) Gender: female Age: 8 years Shell Length: 15 cm Painty is a very sweet turtle and we love her very much! She is about 8 years […]
Name: Painty Species: Painted Wood Turtle (Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima) Gender: female Age: 8 years Shell Length: 15 cm Painty is a very sweet turtle and we love her very much! She is about 8 years […]
Name: Toby Species: Red-Eared Slider Turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) Gender: female Age: 16 years Shell Length: 23 cm Toby is a bit shy at first, but once you get to know her, she is […]
The Shuswap SPCA in Salmon Arm currently has one Red-eared Slider Turtle up for adoption! Please contact them for more information or visit their website. Pet: Splash | BC SPCA | The B.C. Society for […]
Good news! After being closed for almost two years, our turtle adoption and surrender services will be reopening on September 2, 2022. We will have some turtles up for adoption again shortly after that! If […]
Our adoption and surrender services are temporarily closed. All events and education programs have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our services will be operational again as soon as possible. Please contact us if […]
Henry is a male Cumberland Slider (Trachemys scripta troostii) (~17cm shell length). He is very friendly toward people but not toward other turtles! He has a great appetite and slides into the water to feed […]
We currently have three turtles up for adoption: Cosmos is a male Red-eared Slider, ~7″ shell length. Dilly is a female Red-eared Slider, ~7″ shell length. Henry is a male Cumberland Slider, ~6.5″ shell length. […]
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